Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Welcome back!

Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a relaxing spring break! Whether you were sunning yourself on a beach somewhere or sitting in your backyard, I hope you had a good book to read.

My favorite book I read over break was The Day of the Pelican by Katherine Paterson (she also wrote Bridge to Terabithia). In 1999, author Katherine Paterson's church sponsored a family to come to America from war-torn Kosovo. One of the members of her church mentioned to Katherine Paterson the idea that she could write a book about a fictional Albanian Kosovar family and the circumstances that they would have faced in their turbulent country near the turn of the twentieth century. The result of this idea is The Day of the Pelican.

I learned a lot about the struggles Albanian's faced during the conflict and what it would be like to leave your home, family and friends to start a new life in a country where you don't speak the language. I highly recommend this book!