This Friday, November 20th, all 225 6th-8th grade Advanced Language Arts students and their teachers are participating in an all day Writer's Workshop. Our special guest will be,
Joelle Charbonneau, author of the best selling series
The Testing.
As an introduction to her visit, Ms. Charbonneau answered a few of my interview questions:
1. What is your favorite part of participating in school visits?
My favorite part of school visits is hearing various opinions from readers about the stories they read and what they find entertaining or important. While all readers read the same words, they don't read the same book because they bring their own imagination and experience to the story. It's fun to hear how the story changes for each reader.
2. What is the most memorable question or situation you have encountered during a school visit?
Hmm…my most memorable school visit moment has to be someone asking me why characters don't go to the bathroom in books. Yeah - I think that was my favorite question ever and I'm pleased to say that I actually had a real answer.
3. Is there a possibility of a 4th book in The Testing series?
Right now I don't plan on writing a 4th Testing book. For now the story is over. It ended with the same feeling graduation gives - something has ended and Cia doesn't know what will happen in the future. She only knows what she hopes will happen and she is going out to live her life as best she can. But, if I come up with a really good idea for a new story, I would love to go back and see what happens next.
4. What are you working on now?
I'm currently working on a fantasy thriller series. So far, it's fun. I hope to finish with it by the end of the year. Keep your fingers crossed for me.